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Balanced Fund
Bond Fund
Equity Fund
Growth Fund
Income Fund
International Fund
Lifestyle 2020 Fund
Lifestyle 2030 Fund,
Lifestyle 2040 Fund,
Lifestyle 2050 Fund
Lifestyle Retirement Fund
Mid Cap Fund
Small Cap Fund
My Company Stock Fund
Value Fund

我还有30+年才到退休年龄。是不是应该选偏aggressive的fund? 我目前的想法是放:

50% Balanced Fund(其中60%是aggressive的,40%是conservative的)
10% Income Fund
20% Mid Cap Fund
5% International Fund
5% Equity Fund
5% Value Fund
5% Small Cap Fund


最简单全部放在lifestyle 2050就再也不用管了,或者直到你觉得自己有足够的知识和

I agree with Xentar's suggestion - Target date funds are exactly for people
like you who don't know much about investment yet (asset allocation, weight,
timing, etc.).

If you think 2050 fund is a bit aggressive (it means you plan to retire in
year 2050 which is 37 years away, so it's overwight in equity), you can pick
a date more close to your target retirement year.

Once you have invested in target fund, don't invest in other funds, it will
create redundancy which will cost you extra money.


70% small cap
20% mid cap
10% international.

you have 30 yrs so you can afford being aggressive.

And, because it is a 401K it is kind of DCA. So you do not need to worry
about timing market.


亏损。想不明白的时候100% cash是正道。

It is truly important to learn investment and understand what you are doing.
The challenge is even if I read all the books, internet and talk to
all the great invest guru, I am still not sure if my understanding is
correct. Investment is not an easy path to wealth. But it can be a reliable
path for your share of wealth creation (or wealth shrinkage during recession

I would recommend index fund + DCA. Sometimes you will buy high, sometimes
you will buy cheap. In the end, you will get the market average return. The
reason is that I never had and will never have enough knowledge or
information to say that "now it is the time".


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