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1. index funds or low expense ratio funds only.
2. stock funds 80% & bond funds 20% if you are around 30 yo.

【 在 simbasimba (simba) 的大作中提到: 】
: 对这个东西不是很懂,去年乱放,结果亏了12%,今年不敢乱来了,能请各位执导一下该
: 怎么选择我的401k么?谢谢
: Name                                            Expense ratio
: Company STOCK FUND    Company stock(Stock)    0.01%
: HARTFORD CAP APP IA    Large Cap Blend(Stock)    0.67%
: NT S&P 500 INDEX    Large Cap Blend(Stock)    0.01%
: NT RUSSELL 2000 INDX    Small Cap Blend(Stock)    0.03%
: TRP INST SM CAP STK    Small Cap Blend(Stock)    0.73%
: HARRIS OAKMRK GLOBAL    World(Stock)    0.80%
: NT ACWI EX-US IDX DC    Foreign(Stock)    0.06%

Nice selection of ultra low expense index fund, but is the allocation to int
'l fund too small at 15%?

If LZ lost 12% last year, he probably had a large portion of his investment
in int'l and small cap funds, he probably made back most of the losses in
Jan. :) So, one never knows.

【 在 tim (Tim) 的大作中提到: 】
: 把钱按如下比率,放在4个基金上
: 55%   NT S&P 500 INDEX    Large Cap Blend(Stock)   
: 15%   NT RUSSELL 2000 INDX    Small Cap Blend(Stock)  
: 15%   NT ACWI EX-US IDX DC    Foreign(Stock)  
: 15%   NT AGGREG BOND INDEX    Intermediate-Term(Bond)  


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