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Dear Mr. Lee,

I am writing this letter to voice my complaint against Jimmy Kimmel's "Kid's
round table" show that was aired on Oct 16. During the show a 6 year old
boy proposed the idea of solving American's debt crisis by "Killing everyone
in China". Instead of  telling the boy that taking anyone's life is
fundamentally wrong, Mr. Kimmel laughed about it, made the comment that this
was an "interesting idea" and asked the kids in the show "Should we allow
the Chinese to live?". Mr. Kimmel tried to suggest that "killing everyone"
is not a very practical solution to that particular problem, not because it
should not even be an option, but because "if you kill all the people in
country, nobody can lend you money anymore." Nevertheless, this approach
remained an "interesting idea", a backup plan, a viable alternative, and a
potentially effective problem solving strategy.

As the mother of a school-aged child, I find these comments extremely
disturbing, discriminatory, and violent. The host's complete lack of respect
for life was setting a very toxic example for the next generation of
Americans. Killing people as a problem solving strategy has been,
unfortunately, all too familiar to us. With the growing number of campus
shooting tragedies, young children all over the country have been using this
strategy to get themselves out of unwanted situations. During the past
couple of days, two wonderful teachers, one in Nevada, the other in Boston,
murdered by their teenage students. I would say this is no  coincidence
that these murders occurred right after Jimmy Kimmel's show.

ABC is a well known broadcasting company and a very popular one among
American families.  Airing this kind of discriminatory and violence-
promoting skits nationally was a huge mistake, and has already caused damage
to your company's public image.

A sincere apology must be issued. The way Mr. Kimmel reacted to the kid's
proposal showcased his lack of competence and human decency, thus he is not
suited for the job of a TV host. His speech is extremely distasteful and
this is the same rhetoric used in Nazi Germany against Jewish people. Please
immediately take actions by removing the show and issuing a formal apology
to the American public.

Thank you,
A concerned mother


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