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Most of banks have PE less than 10, and quite few have PB less than 1, even
less than 0.5.  C, BAC, JPM, BCS, MS, GS all have PE less than 10.
The one I like most now is the C, PE around 7, PB is only 0.5(against
tangible book value). BCS is the next one I am watching. I may buy large
position after it find good CEO if its stock price still under $10.

Among all commodities, only oil is good. Think about if China stops massive
construction, there will be less and less demand for steel, and
consequently, less demand for the 矿砂(see CLF today). While oil
is completely different. People in China, Indian and many emerging countries
become richer. They will buy car, will consume more oil too. Oil price only
can go up long term. Due to the Euro debts issue. Oil price went down. Many
oil related stock went down quite bit. Now some oil related stocks are
really bargain. Their PE less than 10, some even have PB less than 1.  APC/
HES/BP is in this kind of situation.

不要去碰ZNGA, FB, GPRN 这类股票。还有 AMZN/NFLX/CRM 之类的 overvalued 股票。
一个earning, overnight. 就掉20-50% because they are just overvalued.



。看完ER report发现good-will的比例太高,这也就是为啥ER盘后我割肉出局的原因,

HES/BP is in this kind of situation. ”




Back to your question.
Overall, I don't like GPRN type of business. Now I just notice it is
gradually changed to be an online retailer(sell products) instead of only
posting AD for the retailers. A couple important reasons that I don't like
this type of business.

* Entry barrier is too low. Anyone can get into the business easily.
* Consumers have no loyalty. They only have loyalty to the price. So,
  margin is limited. This is the same problem that AMZN retail business
  has. When it starts collecting sales tax, consumers are moving to newegg,
B&H, buydig and ebay. I am in CA, 9% tax is quite high.

If you don't own it, don't touch it. Look for something has

* consistent good margin.
* less competitive.
* really undervalued.
* brand new emerging industry.

If you already have it, find a chance to dump it whenever there are some
major announcements. Switch to the one at least meet above requirement. I
make mistake too, but I will try to find time to switch when I realize
the one I have is obviously not good one in the next 12-18 months.



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